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Neural Explorations

  • Better balance
  • Improved coordination
  • Delayed aging

My studies as a student of Dr. Eric Cobb and Z-Health® University have been a profound shift in my understanding of movement and how it is created. I have learned that movement is an output from the brain. This output, or action, is driven by the input the brain receives--from our  senses, the environment, our lifestyle, our culture, our families and friends, the pleasures and stressors we encounter in any given moment. This information is processed by the brain and a prediction is made based on the most important question: "it is safe?" Your brain was designed first and foremost to keep you alive. Based on that information, you then have an output/movement. Which means that while exercise is understood to be "good for you," a particular kind of exercise may not be "good for YOU,"especially if you are in any kind of stress.

My years of training as a dancer, Pilates instructor, somatic practitioner and GYROTONIC® Educator have all focused on observing movement and primarily looking at ways to improve biomechanics, proprioception and movement quality. But these ways of improving movement don't consider that there is a neural hierachy. Our brain and nervous system process information first from the eyes (about 70%), from the balance/vestibular system (20%) and the remainder from the proprioceptive system. This means that our vision and balance systems hold a bigger piece of the puzzle in terms of creating efficient, functional movement, well-being and athletic performance. 

Working with these higher order systems makes lasting changes to movement and oftentimes much more quickly. In aging many of our system begin to malfunction but they can be restored through good inputs. Chronic pain can be healed. Scars can be rehabilitated. Concussions, car accidents, falls, surgical trauma, vision, hearing...It is a process of curiosity and discovery to find the sensory and motor inputs your brain-body needs to return to a pain-free state.

The videos and blogs I have made available explain the functions of the nerves and give exercises to explore on one's own. 

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